Monday, November 3, 2008

11th day of Sch Holiday and Candle Playing

Today, in the morning, i woke up at around 9+am... then i went to to search for wiki strategy for maple story, i found it and then went to play maple... i played for 1h before my com dced for me, then i went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to collect a stamp for my sis, i also followed my mom around, then she sent me back coz she got appointment to go to... then i reach home, i played maple, i yesterday didn't lvl but today i did... then i pq until only 5% leh... sad.. i keep dcing, so alot of ppl kick me from pt... then i went to read fanfic, i re-read one story until chap 30, then i went to bathe, then i read until chap 33 when my sis asked if wan go down play candle. I agreed, then we went down... we brought a board down also... first we made a heart, then we started making our own things, my sis made her nickname with candles, and i tried making chicken's initials... but couldn't since i didn't noe how to do... i did manage to make a 'C' ... then i thought make 'C + C' i made them and then i took photo of it, but i ended up crushing one 'C', then we started making big fire, my sis put 3 candles at first, then i added some more, and she added some more, then it became very big,the wax all flowed out, i used the last 'C' to block the wax from dripping to the floor, then surprisingly, when more wax came, it flowed upwards and the board was facing down.. Then we went up, and took off the black things and then left it by the side under newspapers, calling it our work... then my sis say everyday we go down until the board become full off wax... i didn't mind tat, as long as i got some thing to do, now i'm off to read the fanfic finish and then slp... Nite everyone!

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